
History of NFC

The history of NFC

Near-field communication (NFC) is a technology based on RFID. Widely used for contactless payment, it is also found in many other applications such as access control and brand protection. Where and when did it all start ?

Smart City & IOT: a successful concept to be followed worldwide

Smart City & IOT : a successful concept to be followed worldwide

The future of secured e-ID

The future of e-ID

Paragon ID, key player in the implementation of RFID in the automotive sector

Paragon ID, key player in the implementation of RFID in the automotive sector

Finally, the United States open up to contactless payment

Finally, the United States open up to contactless payment

Our partners and strategic memberships

Paragon ID's partners and memberships

AmaTech, part of Paragon ID, to launch revolutionary new product at Money 20/20

AmaTech, part of Paragon ID, to launch revolutionary new product at Money 20/20

Proud to partner with IATA for the very first Global Airport and Passenger Symposium

Proud to partner with IATA for the very first Global Airport and Passenger Symposium

Apple’s new phones can read NFC tags without launching an app.

Apple’s new phones can now read NFC tags without launching an app.