By Houssam

Paragon ID certified "Platinum" by EcoVadis for its CSR policy

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Paragon ID in the Top 1% of companies assessed by EcoVadis


Paragon ID is pleased to announce that it has been awarded the Platinum medal by the EcoVadis platform, a recognised corporate sustainability rating agency. With an overall score of 73/100, an increase of 10 pts over one year, Paragon ID is now in the Top 1% of companies assessed – 85,000 in total all industries combined - in terms of sustainable development and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). EcoVadis is an independent platform used by companies around the world to assess the sustainability performance of their suppliers. In order to carry out this assessment, EcoVadis uses international CSR standards, such as the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and the ISO 26000 standard. The specific assessment is based on 21 criteria, grouped into 4 themes: environment, labour & human rights, ethics and responsible purchasing. 

Innovative solutions to meet social, societal and environmental performance expectations.

 Paragon ID's CSR policy is based on four topics:

  • Ethics, which defines the practices and rules that each employee must apply in his or her relations with the company's customers, suppliers and competitors;
  • Human Resources, which aims to promote social dialogue and the fight against all forms of discrimination, to improve working and safety conditions and to develop skills;
  • Environment, based on continuous improvement of performance, to comply with regulations, prevent pollution risks and develop the use of products that respect biodiversity;
  • Information security, which aims to control and protect the company’s sensitive information as well as our customers’ and suppliers’.

As part of its R&D policy, Paragon ID continues to develop innovative solutions that meet the social, societal and environmental performance expectations of its stakeholders.

In the Transport and Smart Cities activity, Paragon ID's digital and mobile ticketing offering (airweb) bring solutions to the growing need of the key players in this market to reduce their carbon footprint by eliminating paper, ink, silicon etc.
 In the retail sector, Paragon ID is innovating to provide Ultra High Frequency (UHF) RAIN RFID products to tag items which can then be read from several meters. This technology contributes to the reduction of product loss and better inventory management.
 In the payment sector, Thames Technology has launched new 'eco-friendly' payment cards made from wood or metal, offering fully recyclable payment solutions. These are in line with the replacement of PVC for payment cards. The new 'Eden' range offers a selection of more environmentally friendly plastic and non-plastic materials.
 More broadly, eco-design is at the heart of Paragon ID's innovation approach. In this context, Paragon ID is developing a portfolio of products that respect the environment throughout the product life cycle: materials from sustainably managed forests (FSC / PEFC), recycling of antennas, water-based magnetic coating, etc.
 To find out more about Paragon ID's CSR policy and procedures, consult the Extra-Financial Performance Statement for the financial year 2020/21: EFRP 2020/21 Clem Garvey, Managing Director of Paragon ID, comments: 

"The Platinum Medal is a real recognition of Paragon ID's efforts in terms of sustainable development. Across all our sectors of activity, we are careful to use materials and develop industrial processes that respect the environment. In addition to our CSR policy, Paragon ID’s R&D teams are constantly working on the development of innovative solutions. These enable our customers to reduce the environmental impact of their activities. Contactless technologies are a remarkable source of applications to meet these challenges.


About EcoVadis

EcoVadis operates a global platform for assessing and sharing CSR performance used by more than 85,000 companies of all sizes in 160 countries to drive resilience, sustainable growth and positive impact worldwide. Companies include Amazon, AXA, BASF, ING Group, L'Oréal, LVMH, Michelin, Sanofi, Unilever, Salesforce. The EcoVadis rating, systematically verified by a team of experts, is adapted to more than 200 sector categories based on 21 indicators that meet international standards ranging from the prevention of forced labour to CO2 emissions. For more information, visit, Twitter or LinkedIn.